Club SeaKing Advantage

CLUB SeaKing Adventures Advantages
Finally! Affordable Marine Adventures for People of All Ages & Abilities!

MEMBERS OF SEAKING’S ADVENTURES CLUB will have a virtual passport to our Pacific Playground. For a yearly membership fee, participants will have access to a wide range of services and activities at discounted Club Rates.

  • Whale Watching
  • Fishing for Salmon or Halibut
  • Trap Fishing for Crab & Prawns like the DEADLIEST CATCH style
  • Sailing
  • Kayaking
  • Guided Tours
  • Seamanship Training
  • Party Boating
  • Club Outing all year
  • Annual Club Party

Members of SeaKings Adventure Club can enjoy all these ocean activities without having to OWN a boat. Our rental program eliminates the high cost, maintenance and hassles associated with boat ownership. Whether you choose bare bones charters or guided tours, our selection of power and sail vessels means there’s something for everyone.

  • New Concept in Marine Activities
  • Dedicated clientele base
  • Why own your own boats (Hi cost)
  • Wharfage and maintenance (Hi cost)
  • Fuel (Hi cost)
  • You need Licenses now (Time consuming)
  • Boat Training for new boaters

Why own your own boats when Club SeaKing lets you enjoy the use of all their boats.

With Club SeaKing we will offer locals and tourists a wide range of ocean activities like the new trap fishing experience like the Deadliest Catch. We will also combine it with Salmon and Halibut fishing, Sailing, Rowing, Kayaking, Whale Watching, Boat Training and Club outings.

Let us take care of all these vessels and the maintenance. If you had your own boat, you know what I mean.

WIN WIN WIN Free Seafood

Now you can come fishing almost free. When you catch your own food, you could come in with Crab, Prawns and you might catch a Salmon or a Halibut worth more than the club price of $170.00.

No-one is doing this style of fishing anywhere.

My boat has a commercial shrimp license so club members can come out shrimp trawling which means we will tow a shrimp drag net on the ocean floor. See how it is all done and at the end of the day you might take lots of shrimp home with you.

WOW what an outing!

Victoria is a retirement town now so we have a huge client base just sitting on their couches. Most of you do not want to look after your own boats any more, so why not come and help look after the club boats That will make your day.

Mission Statements

  • A fabulous way to meet new people with the same interest
  • Our New Concept in the Marine Environment will teach new boaters
  • We will Acquire more vessels for Club Members to enjoy
  • We Will Teach you how to SAIL
  • We Will Teach marine navigation
  • We Will Teach how to look after boats
  • We Will be looking for your new ideas to Enhance the Club outings
  • We have a 21 foot sailing vessel for Club members to use
  • So Join NOW so we can achieve our new and exciting marine adventure Club
Call Now Toll Free 1-877-250-ORCA (6722)
Local (250) 381-4173
Captain Ron King – ‘The King of Whales’

Invites you to join Club SeaKing